The investigation stage is where we inspect the site conditions, and then we review the planning authorities codes to determine the requirements for a development approval. If necessary, we will speak with council to seek clarification of potential issues. We will then prepare a matrix that shows where your proposed project either complies or does not comply with the authorities requirements so an assessment can be made of the likelihood of a successful development application. A check measure of the existing house (for alterations and additions) is undertaken now, as this becomes the basis for all ongoing design work. A survey by a registered surveyor will be required at this stage to confirm the site boundaries, building location on the site, levels and location of neighbouring buildings and windows.
Measure existing building layout, including window locations and heights, ceiling heights, floor finishes.
Site assessment of existing site and surrounding buildings, services and finishes,
Preparation of existing building plans for design overlay and client records.
Outcomes: Understanding likelihood of a development approval and existing building plans
Concept Design
This is the initial design phase of the work, where we work together to design the proposed development. Once a better understanding of the brief and its implications is known, if needed, we will organise to meet with council to determine the viability of the proposal and to gain an understanding of any additional requirements that council may have.
Preparation of a brief with client,
Preparation of concept designs suitable for review by the client,
Preparation of 3d computer model to assess design,
Presentation of schematic design to client,
If you require costings of the proposed development, we would recommend that you engage a quantity surveyor (QS) who can provide you with accurate costings based on the design information available or obtain an indicative price from a builder.
Outcomes: Sketch design plans and elevations
Development Application
Once we have agreed on the design of the project, we prepare documentation for a Development Application for you to submit to council. Development Approval does not allow you to begin construction yet, it confirms that the design complies with council’s planning controls and allows you to progress to the next stage of the approval process. This stage also includes design development, where we rationalise the concept design to ensure it is practical.
Confirm brief – including ‘sign off’ by client – to prepare documents for DA including;
Spatial and functional requirements
Key design objectives
If you require costings of the proposed development, we would recommend that you engage a quantity surveyor (QS) who can provide you with accurate costings based on the design information available or obtain an indicative price from a builder,
Preparation of Architectural documents for Development Application lodgement including;
Site analysis drawings and Site plans
Floor plans
Elevations and sections
Schedule of finishes and colour sample schedule
Notification drawings (issued by Council to adjoining properties)
Statement of Environmental Effects (prepared by a town planner)
BASIX Certificate (energy report prepared by an energy consultant)
Shadow Diagrams (show the extent of shadows cast by the proposed development at set dates and times)
Outcomes: Development Application Submission
Construction Certificate
Once Development Approval has been granted, the next phase is to seek a Construction Certificate. When the CC is approved you can commence construction work on site. This phase involves providing additional technical and code compliance information to the drawings. The CC can be issued either by council or by a principal certifier (an independent consultant).
Receive and evaluate development consent conditions and report on conditions to client,
Obtain proposals, selection and engagement (by clients) of sub consultants, as required,
Coordination of design development work undertaken by sub consultants with the architectural design,
Selection of external finishes, materials, fittings and equipment,
Prepare architectural documentation for submission for Construction Certificate including; Plans, Sections, Elevations
CC specification for the works and schedule of finishes
Outcomes: Construction Certificate Application Submission
Full Construction Documentation
This stage documents in detail the elements of the project, to convey to the builder the ‘what, how and where’ for the project. This can include areas that are particularly important or unique to the design as they are generally more costly and affect the price more significantly. This may include construction detailing (structural joints, intersection of material finishes etc), joinery / kitchen details or finishes and fixture selection.
Preparation of architectural documentation to enable the construction of the works, including; Site Plan, Floor Plans, Reflected Ceiling Plans, Roof Plan, Elevations, Sections, Window Schedule, Kitchen/Joinery details, Bathroom and Laundry Details, Construction Details, External Works, Finishes Schedule (paint colours, kitchen and bathroom selections etc) and Works Specification,
Coordination of documentation work undertaken by consultants with the architectural design.
Outcomes: A set of documents to enable the construction of the building
Contract Administration
This stage is the ‘during construction’ phase. We would administer the building contract, advise on suitable contracts for the project and on a process of tender or negotiation to select a builder. We do not supervise the building works; that is the role of the builder. What we do is:
Liaise with the builder to assess quality of work at key stages and ensure that contract and specifications are complied with.
Keep you informed of progress.
Approve, with you, any variations
Certify progress payments
Identify defects and administer their rectification by the builder
Decide when practical completion occurs for occupancy.
The built works need to be certified by the Council or the independent certifier to make sure they are built correctly and according to regulation.
Outcomes: Construction of the building